School Year Calendar

School Year Calendar

All the important dates for this school year

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School News


November Virtue Recipients

Please join us in congratulating our November Virtue Recipients for the virtue of Justice.

VIRTUE OF THE MONTH: November – Justice

As part of York Region’s Character Community, the YCDSB celebrates a virtue or character attribute every month. In November we celebrated the virtue of Justice. This is one of the virtues that Jesus modeled through his words and deeds. ... Continue reading "November Virtue Recipients"


October – Virtue Recipients

Please join us in congratulating our October Virtue Recipients for the virtue of Compassion.


As part of York Region’s Character Community, the YCDSB celebrates a virtue or character attribute every month. In October we celebrated the virtue of compassion. In Luke’s Gospel we read, “Be compassionate as God is compassionate.”  (Luke 6:17)  Although we might first ... Continue reading "October – Virtue Recipients"


EQAO Webinar for Parents

EQAO is offering a live webinar where they will present the results of the 2022-2023 Primary (Grade 3) and Junior (Grade 6) Assessments of Reading, Writing and Mathematics. The session will also explain how Ontario’s large-scale assessments are administered. Parents will also learn about the latest research and resources available on The session is approximately 45 minutes, followed by a live Q&A with EQAO ... Continue reading "EQAO Webinar for Parents"

Webinar: EQAO Math Night for Parents and Guardians – April 2 @ 6:30pm

Due to high demand, the YCDSB requested that EQAO offer additional webinars after the initial sessions reached capacity. As a result, EQAO is now providing a free live webinar specifically for YCDSB parents and guardians of elementary and secondary school students participating in the Grades 3, 6, and 9 EQAO Mathematics Assessments.

Register for a free live webinar where EQAO staff will discuss ... Continue reading "Webinar: EQAO Math Night for Parents and Guardians – April 2 @ 6:30pm"

World Down Syndrome Day – March 21st

Every day at St. Matthew CES, we are focused on being a kind, accepting and inclusive community.  March 21st is a day the global Down Syndrome community creates a single voice advocating for the rights, inclusion, and well-being of people with Down syndrome.  The idea was created because chromosomes are shaped “like socks” and people with Down syndrome have an extra chromosome.

Today ... Continue reading "World Down Syndrome Day – March 21st"

Grad Picture Day – March 19th

Picture Day is Coming!

Mark your calendar…March 19th and get your best smile ready!  Graduation gowns, props and school colours will be provided on photo day.  We recommend all graduates wear a white collared shirt for the best results! Graduates may also like to wear a dark tie if they choose.

Ash Wednesday

On Ash Wednesday we are usually marked on the forehead with black ashes in the shape of a cross. This reminds us that we are children of God. At Baptism, when we became part of God’s family, we were anointed with special oil on our foreheads. The ashes today remind us that we are human and we make mistakes. The cross reminds us that since ... Continue reading "Ash Wednesday"

Shrove Tuesday

We are happy to announce that this year we will be serving pancakes with syrup on Shrove (Pancake) Tuesday, March 4th, 2025!

Approximately 110 students and staff will be served this year.   If you prefer for your child to not receive pancakes on Tuesday, March 4th, kindly send a note to your child’s teacher ahead of time.  If your child is not to ... Continue reading "Shrove Tuesday"

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