School Year Calendar

All the important dates for this school year


Mental Health

Learn more about caring for yourself and others


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Take Action

Where students can get help when bullied and harassed


YCDSB Multi-Year
Strategic Plan

The Board’s guiding document until 2028





School News


November Virtue Recipients

Please join us in congratulating our November Virtue Recipients for the virtue of Justice.

VIRTUE OF THE MONTH: November – Justice

As part of York Region’s Character Community, the YCDSB celebrates a virtue or character attribute every month. In November we celebrated the virtue of Justice. This is one of the virtues that Jesus modeled through his words and deeds. ... Continue reading "November Virtue Recipients"


October – Virtue Recipients

Please join us in congratulating our October Virtue Recipients for the virtue of Compassion.


As part of York Region’s Character Community, the YCDSB celebrates a virtue or character attribute every month. In October we celebrated the virtue of compassion. In Luke’s Gospel we read, “Be compassionate as God is compassionate.”  (Luke 6:17)  Although we might first ... Continue reading "October – Virtue Recipients"


EQAO Webinar for Parents

EQAO is offering a live webinar where they will present the results of the 2022-2023 Primary (Grade 3) and Junior (Grade 6) Assessments of Reading, Writing and Mathematics. The session will also explain how Ontario’s large-scale assessments are administered. Parents will also learn about the latest research and resources available on eqao.com. The session is approximately 45 minutes, followed by a live Q&A with EQAO ... Continue reading "EQAO Webinar for Parents"

Elementary YCDSB PA Day: Friday, June 28, 2024

Elementary YCDSB PA Day: Friday, June 28, 2024

In accordance with the Ministry of Education’s new Regulation 304, “School Year Calendar, Professional Activity Days,” the York Catholic District School Board (YCDSB) is providing the following summary of P.A. Day activities at the elementary level on Friday, June 28, 2024.

Friday, June 28, 2024 Staff are engaged in closing operations for the end of term.

2024 Lenten Mass

On March 21, 2024 the York Catholic District School Board celebrated the third annual board-wide Lenten Mass of Renewal and Reconciliation. Livestreamed to the board’s 50,000 students, the Mass featured the talented students of St Edward Catholic Elementary School and St Brother Andre Catholic High School, in Markham, who performed the music and helped with the readings.

The celebrant was Bishop ... Continue reading "2024 Lenten Mass"

CCAT Testing

The York Catholic District School Board offers the opportunity for all grade four students to participate in a screening process for possible identification as a gifted student and participation in our Program for Academic and Creative Extension (PACE). The Screening Process for Entry into the PACE program is a three stage process.

Stage One:

Board-Wide Screening: will take place in Fall ... Continue reading "CCAT Testing"

More School News

Board News

York Catholic to accept registrations for elementary students during the summer

York Catholic to accept registrations for elementary students during the summer
Elementary Student Registrations

The York Catholic District School Board, which is one of the top-performing school boards in the province, welcomes New and Returning Students for the 2024-2025 school year!  Registrations for students entering elementary school, as well as assessments for secondary students who are new to Canada, will take place at the Board’s head office, the Catholic Education Centre during the summer.

... Continue reading "York Catholic to accept registrations for elementary students during the summer"

Help Us Hire a New Director of Education

Help Us Hire a New Director of Education

“Where there is no guidance, a nation falls, but in an abundance of counsellors there is safety.” –Proverbs 11:14

The connection of home, school, and parish is what makes Catholic education unique. This connection recognizes that the community matters and that everyone benefits when the community is involved in our schools.

With this in mind, the York ... Continue reading "Help Us Hire a New Director of Education"

Social Media Litigation

Dear York Catholic District School Board families,

Today, the York Catholic District School Board announced that we are joining the lawsuit against tech giants Meta, Snapchat, and TikTok for disruption to student learning and the education system.  We, alongside ten other Ontario schools and boards, allege that these companies have negligently designed and marketed addictive products that have disrupted our board’s ... Continue reading "Social Media Litigation"

More Board News